Gold Brocade Limited Modern Slavery Act Statement 2017

This statement sets out the steps that Gold Brocade Limited has undertaken to ensure that modern day slavery is not taking place within the business and in the supply chain. Additionally, this is made pursuant to s.54 of the Modern Slavery Act 2015. 

When referring to modern slavery, this includes forced labour, human trafficking and exploitation. Gold Brocade are committed to transparency, integrity and ensuring dignity and has a zero-tolerance approach to any form of modern slavery. We are determined to help eradicate modern slavery and will constantly monitor the systems and controls in place to safeguard against any form of modern slavery within the business or our supply chain.

Gold Brocade is an ethical online market place for premium fashion items, high end furniture and decorative items that cater for special occasions and includes personalised as well as unique items. We work with suppliers in the UK and the rest of the world and currently operate from London, England.

Currently the largest risk of modern slavery would lie with the product supply chains for those items produced in the Far East, in particular China. As a result, we take steps to undertake assessments in relation to our suppliers from particular locations.

Due Diligence

As part of our due diligence on our suppliers we conduct inspections on our suppliers before we start working with them and on an ongoing basis. Additionally we perform the following:

  • Visits to our suppliers: We carry out periodic visits and inspections of most of our suppliers and work with them to resolve any issues that are identified through such visits and inspections, within a reasonable timeframe. Some visits may be unannounced.
  • Request audit reports. We request audit reports from new suppliers in order to get an understanding of the processes and independent rating. Once reviewed we will raise any issues that are identified and agree remedial action with the suppliers where necessary.

As part of our commitment to helping eradicate modern slavery and ensuring improved working conditions for all workers, we will continue to take any role and opportunity we can to work with our suppliers to agree action plans to ensure improvements are made where required.

Gold Brocade Ltd policies

Our internal policies help identify and reduce the risk of modern slavery and unacceptable working conditions and discrimination. Additionally, our policies guarantee that we conduct our business ethically and transparently. Our policies include the following:

  • Recruitment policy. We conduct Criminal Record check and eligibility to work checks for all employees to prevent human trafficking.
  • Whistleblowing policy. The whistleblowing policy enables employees to raise concerns without fear of losing the jobs or any further reprisals.
  • Supplier Terms & Conditions. These include that they will comply with all applicable laws regarding forced and child labour. That they will maintain appropriate workplace conditions and that any breach of these terms & conditions will lead to the termination of the supplier relationship.

There are new methods that are used to circumvent detection, attempting to identify them is an ongoing challenge. However, this is an important priority for Gold Brocade Limited and we will continue to aid the noble cause of eradicating unacceptable practices that diminish anyone rights, integrity and dignity.


This statement has been approved by the Director of Gold Brocade Limited.

Signed by: 



We believe in ensuring that those who make our products get a fair wage and they work in a safe and healthy environment. Fair trade is about better prices, decent working conditions, local sustainability, and fair terms of trade for workers in the developing world. Fair trade addresses the injustices against the poorest, weakest producers and workers. Our aim is to enable them to improve their position and have more control over their lives.

Additionally, we aim to help and benefit the community whether in the UK or abroad and we try to visit as many suppliers as possible to check that there is no exploitation taking place.

In order to minimise the harm to the environment we endeavour to use those suppliers who utilise sustainable or recycled materials in production where possible.

By regularly monitoring the ethical standards set by the World Fair Trade Organisation we are able to discern the suppliers who meet the benchmark and those who do not. 

For those products that are bought direct from abroad, we look for those suppliers who are members of WFTO, or who have been recommended by other WFTO members. Our aim is to help those producers who maybe in rural areas or villages and help them export without being taken advantage of. 

By buying from us, you are helping to provide much-needed jobs in UK manufacturing as well as countries in the developing world who are often marginalised or have little income for the effort that they expend in making the things we take for granted.