Would you like to earn some extra cash? Have you got items that you would like to sell or rent out? You can do that simply and efficiently with us.

Whether new or pre owned – we can help you make use of your spare items.

Goldbrocade.com aims to provide customers with ethical online luxury items. We aim to also do our bit for the environment by facilitating those who have spare items with those who need specific items. If you’ve got unique and innovative products and want some help getting them in front of new customers, then why not sell with us and help do your bit.


We will continue to make sure that 10% of every sale goes to the cause or passion that is close to the customers’ heart. This will not affect you, as you will receive the whole amount agreed between us and yourselves. So rest assured, you will be benefiting those less fortunate than yourselves by making use of your products or items.


Email campaigns, targeted brochures as well as strategic marketing campaigns ensure our products are found by the people who are looking for them. We invest in detailed pay-per-click and search campaigns to acquire new customers on a weekly basis. 


If you would like to work with us, why not get in touch and give us a go. We will need a few details about your products. For more details or to apply, contact us at sales@goldbrocade.com and please include the following information: 

  • Your name or company name
  • A brief description of the product and whether it is for sale or rent 
  • A few images of the product(s) or website link 

We’ll be in touch straight away!